Revitalize Your Hydration Routine with Herbal Infused Gel Water!

Let’s support our herb uptake at the highest cellular level with Herbal Infused Gel Water!

Gel water is the same as water with one extra hydrogen and an extra oxygen molecule: H3O2. The additional molecules create a gel-like structure similar to the water found in your cells, which can be more easily absorbed by your body, enhancing hydration at a cellular level.

The best way to achieve gel water I’ve found is by adding chia seeds. Chia seeds act as a carrier, helping to enhance absorption and promote the delivery of nutrients and bioactive compounds to your cells.

The standard recipe is: 1 tablespoon of chia seeds + 1 cup of water.

But, why not upgrade gel water into an herbal infused gel water! Why not provide my cells with enhanced hydration, AND receive the medicinal properties of herbs!

Here are two recipes.

The first one is:

Here's a suggested ratio for your herbal recipe:

2 tablespoons of dried rose hips

1 tablespoon of dried mugwort

1 tablespoon of dried plantain

1 tablespoon of dried hibiscus

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

1/4 teaspoon of sea salt

4 cups of water

You can adjust the ratios based on your personal preference and desired strength of flavor. Let sit overnight or at least enough time to soften, about 30 mins. I make mine at night and refrigerate. Also, unless you don't mind drinking in some of the herbs, you could put them in a sachet for easy removal. Leave the chia seeds and salt loose.

The second one is:

Make a herbal hot infusion of your choice. (I have many to choose from on my Instagram page). Let it cool. Add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. Stir to wet the chia seeds. Let sit overnight or at least enough time for the chia seeds to soften, about 30 mins.


Herbal Infusion Sipping Vinegar Elixir


Hibiscus and Nettle Herbal Vinegar