Easy Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner: A Green Cleaning Solution for a Fresh and Spotless Bathroom

Here’s your invitation to stop fearing natural cleaning products!

Making your own cleaning products is not only simple and cost-effective but also a tradition passed down through generations.

They’re just as effective as harsh chemicals, minus the harm to you and the environment. This DIY toilet bowl cleaner has been my go-to for years, even with three boys in the house—trust me, it works!

Crafted with simple ingredients, including the potent antibacterial herb thyme, it gives you the deep clean you’re looking for.

And here’s a tip: to control the fizz, cap the bottle, give it a gentle shake, then unscrew the lid and pour slowly into the bowl. This prevents messy overflow and ensures your cleaner is ready to tackle the task.

If you’re interested in more natural cleaning recipes, check out my ebook: A Guide To Natural Cleaning, which contains this recipe along with 19 other common everyday natural housecleaning recipes with the plant in mind! 🌎


1 cup of washing soda (or a combination of baking soda and washing soda or epsom salt and baking soda)

1/3 cup of Castile soap, infused or not

1-2 tablespoons of dried thyme, lavender, or rosemary (or a combination of all three)

2 cups of hot water


Combine all in bottle or jar. Stir well to combine. Cap, but don’t tighten lid. Ready to use.

To use: Pour into bowl. Swirl around with a wooden-handled toilet bowl brush, and scrub as usual. Flush clean.


Rosemary Infused Non-Toxic Oven Cleaner


Ultimate Homemade Soft Scrub: DIY Recipe for a Sparkling and Eco-Friendly Clean