Evergreen-infused All-Purpose Cleaner

As cat lovers know, felines are said to have nine lives, but did you know that the items we purchase can have multiple lives as well? By embracing the principles of low waste living, we can be resourceful, creative, and innovative in finding extended uses for everything we buy.

Take, for example, the annual tradition of purchasing an evergreen tree for the holiday season. There are many ways to extend the life of this festive purchase. One idea is to prune the tree and use it as a seasonal centerpiece for your home. Another option is to prune it again and create a beautiful wreath for your front door. And, if you're a fan of the refreshing scent of pine, you could even make an all-purpose cleaning spray that compliments the winter season.

This recipe is easy to follow, and are perfect for anyone looking to reduce their waste and make the most out of their purchases. So next time you buy something, think about its potential for multiple uses and extend its life. Enjoy!


3 cups white vinegar + 2 cups small evergreen branches and fallen needles


Add ingredients to a glass container. If using a metal lid, leave some room at the top so that the vinegar doesn’t rust the metal lid or avoid this problem by using a plastic lid or by putting a cloth between the jar and the metal lid. I like to put my infusion on a sunny windowsill while it macerates, but it can be stored out of sight, too. After about 2 weeks, (the longer, the stronger) strain the pine from the liquid. Compost the evergreen (if you can). This is your concentrate, and is ready to use.

To use: Fill up half of your spray bottle with your concentrate and half with water. Clean as usual.


Unpaper Cloths


2-in-1 pods