A Simple and Mindful Halloween


The holiday season can be a challenging time for those who strive to live a low-waste lifestyle, especially when it comes to Halloween. The costumes, typically made of synthetic materials, and designed to be used only once, and the endless supply of single-use candy can make it a zero-waster's nightmare. But, it's important to remember that a low-waste lifestyle is not about perfection, it's a journey, and it takes practice.

In the past, I have tried various strategies to minimize the waste associated with Halloween, such as shopping the bulk section of my natural foods store for sugar candy, packaging it in small paper bags, and even handing out quarters and flower seed packets. But, these attempts were not sustainable, they ended up being too expensive or too much work. I found that purchasing candy that came in cardboard boxes or aluminum foil was a better alternative, but still not perfect as they ended up in the trash like all the rest of them.

So, what's the answer? I can't say for sure, but I have found a way to make Halloween a lasting memory, and it beats a mini-snicker bar.

We throw an annual party, inviting the neighbors and friends to drink stovetop mulled wine and apple cider, and eat homemade macaroni and cheese over a bonfire set up in our front lawn. We decorate the space with corn husks, mums, carved pumpkins, gourds, and handmade decorations. The focus of the holiday shifts from candy to community and connection.

I understand that it's not possible to avoid all the waste associated with Halloween, but by finding ways to celebrate the holiday that align with our values, we can make it a memorable and enjoyable experience. Happy Halloween!


A Nature Mandala


Wax-dipped Fall Leaves