Natural and Healthy Toys

Plato once said, "The most effective kind of education is that a child should play among lovely things." And I couldn't agree more. As a parent, I understand the importance of providing children with toys that not only spark their imagination but also provide a connection to the natural world.

When my kids were young, I used to buy as many toys as I could find at estate sales, garage sales, and thrift stores. I thought that the more toys I bought, the more they would play. However, I soon realized that cheap, plastic toys that only lasted a few minutes and were easily forgotten were not the best choice.

As my children grew older and my buying needs changed, I began to focus on purchasing toys that were made from natural materials, had simple designs, and were functional. These toys not only added beauty to our living room floors but also provided a connection to the natural world. They are generally healthier and can be easily repaired.

In my home, we have a chess set and carrom game set that are so lovely that we use them as decorations. These are some of our favorite wholesome toys that we enjoy playing with as a family. I would love to hear what some of your favorite wholesome toys are and how they have brought joy to your family.


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Striving Towards a Sustainable Home and Community (Video)