My Zero Waste To-Go Kit

Going zero waste can seem daunting, but it's all about being prepared! One of the best ways to stay on track is by having a zero waste kit on hand. Below I've shared my go-to zero waste essentials that I keep in a homemade canvas tote near the front door so I don't forget to take them with me when I leave the house. This kit is especially handy when eating out at restaurants and wanting to take leftovers home.

Having these items on hand makes it easier to reduce waste, especially when we are surrounded by shops and cafes that may not have eco-friendly options. Inside my family's canvas tote, you'll find items such as reusable utensils, cloth napkins, and a reusable container for leftovers. I'd love to hear about the items in your zero waste kit and how you stay prepared when on-the-go.

Reusable water bottle
Reusable coffee mug
Stainless straws
Stainless cutlery
Cloth napkins
Bees wrap
Stasher bags
Stainless to-go container
One cloth drawstring bag


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Refuse and Zero Waste