Gratitude Garland


Creating a sense of gratitude is an essential aspect of living a fulfilling life. This simple, yet meaningful, gratitude garland is an easy and fun way to incorporate this practice into your daily routine. Not only does expressing gratitude bring happiness to yourself and those around you, but it also helps to cultivate a deeper appreciation for all that is present in our lives.

To make this garland, you will need some basic materials such as:


brown paper grocery bags

air-dried clay

writing utensils


> Begin by cutting out leaf shapes from the brown paper bags and pressing them in a heavy book to flatten them out.

> Mold mini leaves with air-dried clay and allow them to dry for a day or two.

> Invite family members to participate in the activity by writing one thing they are grateful for on each leaf. Encourage them to think about the things they can't live without, can't touch or hold, are done for them every day, or don't have to do.

> Share the things you are grateful for with each other.

> Hang up the twine in your designated location, and begin clipping each leaf to the twine with clothespins.

> Decorate with other natural bits and pieces such as dried flowers or leaves, or make some out of clay.

> Enjoy creating and fostering a sense of gratitude in your daily life.


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